Welcome to kol-lab FAQs
How can we help you?
KOL-Lab is an influencer marketing platform that serves as a marketplace both for brands to find the right creators to drive their influencer marketing campaigns
KOL-Lab was officially launched October 2023 and we have already partnered with hundreds of brands and more than 4,000 creators since then.
  • Absolutely! Signing-up in KOL-Lab is free of charge both for creators and brands.
  • For creators, you just have to create an account, customize your profile, connect your social media accounts, and increase your chances of earning by applying to available campaigns or jobs posted by brands
  • For brands, you just have to create an account, edit your brand profile, upload your logo, and you can already create an influencer marketing campaign which can be seen byKOL-Lab's creator network.
Want to KOL-LAB with us?
If you have any further questions or encounter any difficulties in navigating the platform, please don't hesitate to contact us via support@kol-lab.co and our team will be happy to assist and ensure you have the best possible experience with kol-lab!
We're looking to #kollab with you soon! 🚀